What is Pooperly?


Pooperly is a minimalist social platform where posts survive only if they receive enough engagement. Users can P.O.O.P. ("Preserve Our Online Past") to keep posts on the platform, while all other posts are automatically deleted unless they receive poops within 24 hours.

Features Overview

  • Anonymous users can view posts.
  • Registration requires an email and an invite code.
  • Logged-in users can create posts (up to 280 characters).
  • Logged-in users can "poop" posts (give votes to keep them alive).
  • Logged-in users can see their pooped posts.
  • Users receive 3 invite codes per day.
  • Posts older than 24 hours are deleted every hour, except they received poops in the last 24 hours.

Posting Rules

  1. Post Length: Posts can have a maximum of 280 characters.
  2. Post Visibility: Posts appear instantly in the feed and are visible to all users.
  3. Pooping Mechanism: Any logged-in user can poop a post.
  4. Revoke poops: Logged-in users can revoke their poop from a post if the post is younger than 24 hours.
  5. Editing & Deleting: Posts cannot be edited once submitted. Users cannot delete their own posts; only the system's automated cleanup applies.
  6. Image Upload: Users cannot attach images to posts.
  7. User Identity: Users can choose a display name and upload a profile picture.

Pooping System

  • Pooping a post prevents it from being deleted by increasing its score.
  • Each logged-in user has unlimited poops per day.
  • Users can revoke their poops, but only within 24 hours of the post's creation.
  • Poop Count is Public – every post displays its current number of poops.

Post Deletion System

  • The system automatically deletes posts that are older than 24 hours, except those received poops in the last 24 hours.
  • If a post receives poop, it remains visible for additional 24 hours and will be removed in subsequent cleanup cycles only afterwards.
  • Cleanup occurs once per hour, removing all eligible posts.

Invite System

  • Registration requires an email address and an invite code.
  • Each user receives 3 new invite codes per day.
  • Invites can be shared via direct link or manually entered.
  • There is no referral reward system – invites simply control access to the platform.
  • Invite codes does not expire if not used.

Future Features (Planned)

  • Notifications for when a post is about to be deleted.
  • User leaderboards based on total poops given and received.


What happens if I don't use my invites?

Unused invites never expire. Use then when ever you want.

Can I get more invites?

No, each user is limited to 3 invites per day.

Can I poop my own post?

Yes, but it does not give it extra priority. It simply counts as a normal poop.

How do I know if my post will be deleted?

If your post is older than 24 hours and does not receive poops, it will be deleted 24 hours after the last poop during the next hourly cleanup.

Can I retrieve a deleted post?

No, once a post is deleted, it is permanently removed.

Contact & Support

For any issues or feedback, reach out to hello@pooperly.com.

PooperlySave the Best, Flush the Rest.